
The Village Baxter
8 Robinsons Road,
Victoria, 3199

PH. (03) 5971 1349
FX. (03) 5971 1317
ABN.96 006 640 544


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This page contains information intended for use by Residents that reside in the Independent Units at The Village Baxter Retirement Village. If you are interested in learning more about the Village Baxter, please go to www.villagebaxter.com for information regarding our various accommodation and care services, employment opportunities, general company information and contact details.

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Welcome to our website designed specifically for Residents living in our Independent Units. I hope you enjoy the format and that it assists you in obtaining information about independent living in the Village.

I hope you continue to enjoy the lifestyle offered in your independent unit located in the Village and that you will use the many Village facilities available and promoted on this website.

Your Hostess is happy to assist you whenever you require information concerning the Village or will be able to advise you on the appropriate person to contact. In addition, our Administration Staff are also available to render assistance when necessary. An aim of this website is to provide an opportunity for Residents to seek information outside business hours, your hostess will continue to be available to assist and advise you during office hours.

Residents are encouraged to share the contents of this website with their family. Most residents move into the Village at a time of their choosing when they are confidently making their own lifestyle and accommodation decisions, as time goes by and people become older and frailer, it is likely that family members may begin to participate in lifestyle and accommodation decisions. A further aim of this website is to provide families with an opportunity to understand the costs and level of services available in independent living units.

I believe that a retirement village can enhance your quality of life for your retirement years and I trust that the Village Baxter lives up to this expectation.


Kind Regards

Kim Ashcroft
Executive Manager


aerial view of the village